New Kid on the Block

Holy shit, so much has happened since I last wrote. All the life changes!

So as my previous post touched on, I moved to Florida. The Jacksonville Beaches area to be specific. And it’s been interesting. I was here for 6 days for I started my new job. I wasted NO time jumping in. Part of me really wishes I would have waited…give myself more time to adjust. But NOPE. In true Weadock fashion, I dove in head first & hoped for the best. Stay tuned in how that plays out…

The house selling process is a giant pain in the ass. Mostly because I’m an impatient person. I’m still paying for my condo in EL and seriously stressing. (Anyone want to buy the corner bench in my kitchen?! I’m serious. The buyer doesn’t want it….I don’t know why. It’s perfect there but whatever.)

And then there’s football season…this is going to be a tough one. I’ll be missing the home opener for the first time in over a decade. That is crushing me. I hate it. I hate not being there putting together a tailgate. As stupid as it sounds, there’s a hole where that joy was. I hope I can find something I enjoy here that much. It’s truly where I’m in my element. I wish I could swing coming home, but clearly money is not my friend right now.

It’s been a rough few weeks. The homesickness is really starting to kick in. So I’m doing my best to stay sane. Although the fact that I haven’t slept through the night once since I got here doesn’t help matters. (Hey there, Benadryl!) The ocean relaxes me so I’ve been spending time there. And a few of my amazing friends gave me some motivational books that are helping keep me grounded. (Thanks guys for know what my needs would be before I did!💚)

Side note: just when I thought I experienced the worst drivers in Grand Rapids, MI, I manage to find somewhere that tops ’em. I am gonna need a Xanax prescription for that alone! I just don’t understand how people can drive SO POORLY. 🙄😳 It’s baffling.

Basically, there’s still lots of growing for me to do here. I’m super thankful to have amazing family who have supported me in so many ways. Once I get into my apartment and more settled, I’ll get back to regularly scheduled posts.

If you made it this far, you must either be bored or really love me. And for that, I thank you.

8 Replies to “New Kid on the Block”

  1. Love you E-Rock. Any large change like moving and/or a new job will take time for adjustment…and you did BOTH!!! Don’t focus on the big picture just yet, just focus on the day today! You’ve got this, we are all routing for you!!!!

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  2. Yes, love you! Okay first, your view is gorgeous so stop whining. Second, be patient with yourself, you just had a big life change and it will take time to adjust. Take time EACH DAY to get out in your new surroundings and discover something different. This could be as simple as walking the opposite direction on the beach, driving a different route to your favorite Starbucks, trying a new lunch spot, a new grocery store, a unique boutique. Cruise the streets to look at cool houses (be careful so people don’t think you’re an actual stalker), just enjoy your surroundings in a way that relaxes you. I like to find my “new” places that will be my staples: the library, good take-out, bank, post office, Sephora, an awesome shoe store. You get my drift. Be gentle with yourself and you will settle in. We all love you and are here for support! And just know, come January, we will ALL be jealous of you! Hang in there sweet friend, you are missed but you need an adventure!

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  3. Erica- I’m very proud of you! Yes it sucks to miss MSU and the 1st home game(we are too -year #2) BUT being an adult and doing adult things suck sometimes too. You will find your balance hang in there Bloom where you are planted, let your spirit shine right where you are!

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